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福建省-泉州市 -惠安县 | 不限经验 | 不限学历
2024-01-18 更新 被浏览:
最近在线时间:2022-11-23 10:11
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地址:惠南工业区四期舒华工业园 查看上班路线
招聘人数:1 人 到岗时间:不限 性别要求:不限性别 婚况要求:不限婚况

一、任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,注塑设计、五金、会计等方面或采购相关专业。 2、2年以上中大型企业采购工作岗位经验。 3、能熟悉操作使用相关日常办公软件及金蝶等软件。 4、熟悉相关质量体系要求,精通采购业务,良好的沟通能力谈判技巧、对市场变化及供应商动向保持敏锐度。 5、态度谨慎、责任心强、具有良好的抗压能力与独立危机处理能力,具有良好的职业道德与团队合作精神。 二、岗位职责: 1、主要负责筛选优质供应商的订单下达、物料交期追踪、质量问题推进整改等。 2、负责采购合同的签订,供应商的年度绩效管理的评估制定跨部门协调沟通异常事项等。 3、负责模具费用支出、月结货款付款进度的明细台账登记,并与财务部进行核对结算工作。 4、推进协同辅助指导供应商质量提升,采购成本的控制。 5、做好工作计划与总结,完成上级交给各项工作任务与指标。 联系方式:0595-85995535/18105959161(微信同号)。 办公地址:泉州晋江市池店镇仕春工业区舒华体育股份有限公司(清濛电厂隔壁/新华洲水产品批发市场斜对面)。 乘车路线:1、泉州市区乘坐K306公交车往亿兴电力方向至终点站下,路口右转步行150米即到舒华公司。 2、泉州市区乘坐K205公交车往官桥园区方向至仕春站下,往回走400米即到舒华公司门口。 3、泉州客运中心站乘坐泉州—石井客运班车至舒华公司下(和售票员讲到舒华公司门口)。 4、泉州动车站乘坐K901公交车往石狮服装城方向至三星特步站下,转乘摩的到舒华公司即可。 5、晋江市区乘坐晋江23路公交车往紫帽山方向至水产市场站下,往回走130米即到舒华公司。 6、清濛开发区内可乘坐503路公交车至仕春村委会站下,往回走130米即到舒华公司门口。

  • 生产/营运/采购/物流
  • 民营企业
  • 1000人以上

舒华体育,国内领先的科学运动服务商,创立于1996年,2020年在上海证券交易所主板上市(股票代码:605299.SH)。2017年,舒华被国家体育总局评为 国家体育产业示范单位 ;2017-2021年,舒华连续五年获评 中国轻工业健身器材行业十强企业 。

Shuhua Sports, a leading scientific fitness service in China, was founded in 1996. It Listed On the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2020 (stock code: 605299.SH). In 2017, Shuhua was honored as "National Sports Industry Model Company" by the General Administration of Sport of China. From 2017 to 2021, Shuhua was awarded as the "China's Light Industry Fitness equipment industry top ten enterprises" for five consecutive years.

舒华秉承 让简单运动融入每个人的生活 的使命,推广 科学运动 品牌定位,坚持为家用、商用、户外等场景提供专业、智能的健身解决方案,产品涵盖家庭健身、商用健身、全民健身、体能训练、康养健身、校园体育等解决方案的产品和培训服务、商业空间道具等领域,让科学运动服务覆盖全场景、全人群。一直以来,舒华积极推进数字化转型,致力于打造 硬件 软件 课程内容 专业健身教练 的健身平台,全球业务已覆盖70多个国家和地区,建立了近千家线上线下销售和服务一体化渠道。

Shuhua adheres to the mission of bring easy way of fitness into everyone’s life , promotes scientific fitness brand position, and provides professional and intelligent fitness solutions for home, commercial and outdoor space. The products cover home fitness, commercial fitness, national fitness, physical training, Wellness & Fitness , campus sports and other solutions products and training services, commercial space props and other fields to provide scientific fitness to all people and space. SHUA always actively promotes digital transformation, and is devoted to building a fitness platform with "hardware, software, course content and professional fitness coaches" and providing comprehensively all-scenario intelligent and all-age fitness solutions. And now, it has established global business covering more than 70 countries and regions, and nearly a thousand Online and offline sales and service integration channels.

 多年来,舒华坚持 产品智能化,运动娱乐化、运动科学化 的发展思路,以用户为中心,牵引产品创新研发。公司与上海体育学院、北京体育大学、成都体育学院、郑州大学体育学院、中国体育科学学会运动医学分会CASM、美国运动医学学会ACSM、南德认证检测等国内外权威机构及专家合作,成立国家级先进实验室,致力于运动科学和产品研究。目前舒华取得国家专利技术310余项,并主导、参与近30项国家及团体标准制定。

For many years, SHUA follows the development philosophy of "intelligent products, sports entertainment, and scientific fitness" to improve the user-centered product innovation. Shuhua has been cooperating with Shanghai sports institute, Beijing sports university, Chengdu sports institute, Zhengzhou university sports institute, sports medicine branch of China sports science institute CASM, American society for sports medicine ACSM, TÜV institution and other overseas, and founded national-level advanced lab for sports science and products research. From now On, Shuhua has obtained more than 310 national patent technologies, and led and participated in nearly 30 national and industry standards.

一直以来,舒华致力于推动全民健身事业的发展和体育强国梦的实现。2021至2022年,舒华成为 北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会官方健身器材供应商 ,参与建设三大冬奥村(冬残奥村)健身中心,为来自全球的运动员提供全面的训练保障和服务;2020至2022年,舒华成为 国家体育总局冬季运动管理中心指定健身器材赞助商 ,积极支持中国冰雪运动发展,帮助中国冰雪健儿不断突破体能创造历史;此外,2013至2016年、2021至2024年,舒华与中国奥委会达成八年合作,为中国体育代表团征战索契冬奥会、里约奥运会、平昌冬奥会、东京奥运会以及巴黎奥运会提供专业健身训练装备;2015至2023年,舒华成为中国健美协会战略合作伙伴;2017年,舒华健身器械成为金砖国家领导人厦门会晤指定产品;2018年,舒华与国际中学生体育联合会签订战略合作协议,携手共同推动青少年体育事业发展;2022年,舒华签约世界冠军潘晓婷为品牌代言人,携手推广科学运动和健康的生活方式。

For a long time, Shuhua has been committed to promoting the development of national fitness and the realization of the dream of a powerful sports country. From 2021 to 2022, Shuhua becomes the official fitness equipment supplier for Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Beijing 2022, providing professional and scientific fitness products and services for the fitness centers of the Winter Olympic Villages (Paralympic Village). From 2020 to 2022, Shuhua is the "designated fitness equipment sponsor of Winter Sports Management Center of General Administration of Sport of China", offering the supports for the China Ice Sports development to help the Chinese ice athletes improve their skills . In addition, from 2013 to 2016 and 2021 to 2024, Shuhua has been cooperated with Chinese Olympic Committee for eight years,  providing fitness equipment for China Delegation to win 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics Games, 2016 Rio Summer Olympics,  2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and 2024 Paris Olympic Games. From 2015 to 2023, Shuhua becomes the partner of Chinese Bodybuilding And Fitness Association. In 2017, Shuhua fitness equipment became the designated product for the BRICS Summit in Xiamen. In 2018, Shuhua signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the International Sports Federation for Middle School Students to jointly promote the development of youth sports. In 2022, Shuhua signed a contract with Pan Xiaoting, the world champion of billiards, to promote scientific sports and a healthy lifestyle.

自创办以来,舒华积极履行企业社会责任,推广科学运动理念。多年来,舒华及其控股股东向晋江市慈善总会、泉州台商投资区慈善总会、中华全国体育基金会等慈善机构及单位捐赠资金及健身器材物资,至今舒华慈善基金规模超4000万元,通过开展 公益健康跑 、 奥运健儿公益服务大行动 等公益活动及体育扶贫项目,帮助许多青少年享受运动的快乐,健康成长。

Since its inception, Shuhua actively fulfill corporate social responsibility, promote the concept of scientific movement. Over the years, Shuhua and its share holders donated money and fitness equipment and other goods to China sports foundation, Jinjiang Charity Federation, Quanzhou Taiwan Investment Zone charity federation and other charities and institutions. And now, Shuhua charity foundation worth more than 40 million yuan, supporting public welfare activities and sports poverty alleviation projects, such as "Public Health Run" and "Olympic Athletes Public Service Act", and helping teenagers enjoy fitness and grow health.

未来,舒华将一如既往地积极响应国家 加快体育强国建设,促进全民健身发展 的号召,以 精产品、强品牌、深渠道、高效率 四大战略抓手为工作提升方向指引,提速发展、科学瘦身,加快品牌国际化进程,力争2030年成为百亿企业。

Shuhua will continue to support China’s appeal of establishing the strategic target of sports powerful nation and promoting the development of national fitness"as always. With the four strategies of great product, powerful brand, multiple sale-channels, and high efficiency, our company continue to rapidly develop, scientifically reduce costs and promote the brand development internationalization to become an enterprise with ten billion revenue in 2030.

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